Lithium Backup Battery Power Bank PRO for Guitar Amplifier Speaker Roland Cube Street EX AC33 BA330 KC110 Rechargeable 30000MAH.
Updated to 6.0 version.
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Lithium Battery Mobile Power Bank Rechargeable High Power Universal for Guitar Amplifier Speaker Roland EX AC33 BA330 KC110.
It almost like the original battery,it provided some extra functions.
RSB 3.0 is a multifunctional lithium battery pack designed specifically for multipurpose instrument speakers.
Its characteristics are as follows:
* The use of high energy efficiency ratio of polymer lithium battery, with short circuit protection, over-release protection, over-charge protection and other functions;
* The battery pack also comes with a B.T module specifically designed for instrument audio, which solves the problem that many
speakers lack B.T wireless input;
* Ear release function allows you to use the speaker can also use the headset to monitor the audio signal played by the speaker;
* Power indicator let you know the remaining power status of the battery anytime and anywhere, so that you can timely charge the battery;
* After connecting the mobile phone with the speaker through the TYPE-C data cable, the mobile phone can be used for recording or live broadcast;Through the TYPE-C interface, you can also charge your mobile phone with a charging current of 5V-1A.
Professional battery for Roland EX speaker,universal for AC33 BA330 KC110.
Rechargeable,high capacity 30000MAH/4V,usually will last for 6-9 hours,very perfect for outdoor use.
Long lifetime,durable,will save your money to buy battery.
With Bluetooth output function,for the speakers without Bluetooth function,it is a good choice
With headset insert port for you to monitor
Rated energy:111WH/4.2V
Rated output:12.6V,<8A
Bluetooth range:<20m
Function:Short circuit protection, overcharge protection, overdischarge protection, power balance
Kindly reminder:This listing just the Lithium Battery Mobile Power Bank available,the Roland speaker not include…
Record or live broadcast,Earphones monitoring,Bluetooth.
AC33 BA330 KC110
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